The Lost Wedding Ring

Created by Steve 15 years ago
On one of our many trips to Newmarkets races ( in the late eighties I think) you lost your Wedding Ring.We went by coach organised by Willis Faber (where you worked for 20 years). When the coach parked at the racecourse it was in line with all the other coaches luckily (as it turned out ) next to a hedge. We all sat on the grass behind the coach to eat our food we had with us. For some reason you took your ring off. Then the wasps arrived and in the diversion you must have forgotten all about the ring. We tidied up and went into the racecourse. When we returned to the coach you had a last cigarette but had to stub it out before getting on the coach. That was to prove vital. On the way home you noticed the ring was missing but it was too late to go back. We did early the next morning but with little hope of finding a ring in a field. You remembered about the cigarette so we started looking at a distance from the hedge that we thought might be the length of a coach. Within half an hour we found the cigarette which we knew was yours because it was nearly a whole one. Then we walked towards the hedge and found the flattened grass where everyone had been sitting. Another half a hour and we found the ring! How lucky were we. Now I wear that ring on my little finger.
