Working for Willis Faber

Created by Steve 15 years ago
I think of Linda often at work as I now have dealings with the Egyptian accounts. She used to moan about them as much as I do now! I also remember how we used to pretend we didn't feel well when the weather was good and say "I think we should go home" when what we really meant was it's too nice to be in the office, we'd rather be sitting in the garden in the sunshine. I'm surprised at how often Linda pops into my thoughts, for instance when I take Jasmine horse-riding or hear a Motown track, or see a boxer dog. Even this morning when I put some washing into the tumble drier I remembered us laughing about the time she put her tights in her drier and they stretched to be really long! Steve, it must be so difficult for you at this time but just to let you know that me and loads of other people are thinking of you (and Linda's dad of course). Take care of yourselves. Sent by Debbie Cook on 05/09/2008
