
2009 January 21

Created by Steve 15 years ago
It is exactly one year ago that I had to rush you to the hospital because the tumour on your tongue had grown so big that you were having trouble breathing. It was the fateful day that we were told that you were unlikely to survive the cancer. The consultant agreed that you should have a Tracheostomy. It was the last time I would hear your natural voice. And from then on you would be fed through a tube in your stomach. I think we were both shell shocked. You said you wanted to have the operation if it meant you had a chance of survival. We tried to remain positive. From that time on you were so brave. I became your carer and we lived on love and hope more than anything else. Never give up hope our friends told us. Remain positive. Sadly it was not to be. I am trying to move forward and have started voluntary work today in an effort to return to the land of the living. You are constatly in my thoughts. I still miss you more than I can say. And tears flow almost daily but I believe I am moving on to a new stage where I can live on my own knowing the love I have for you will remain in my heart forever. Love You Steve